2024년 우수고객 안내

고객님을 위한 우수 고객 전용 서비스는
MY교보 > 혜택 > 교보 노블리에 서비스 에서
확인하실 수 있습니다.
고객님을 위한 우수 고객 전용 서비스는
MY교보 > 혜택 > 교보 노블리에 서비스 에서
확인하실 수 있습니다.
Established in 1958, Kyobo Life has paved the way for life insurance over the past 50 years and led the development of the Korean insurance industry.
Furthermore, the company and its employees have established the customer satisfaction management through continuous change and innovation initiatives based on our core values of tenacity and creativity, customer centricity, honesty and sincerity.
As a result, Kyobo Life became the first insurance company in Korea to receive ‘A1’ rating from Moody’s due to the company’s excellent business soundness and risk management ability and Fitch Ratings, another global credit agency, gave Kyobo Life an ‘A+’ rating.
Becoming the leading financial company delivering value in art & culture
Kyobo Life will move forward to achieve the vision2025.
Kyobo Life has pursued continuous growth and development even under rapid environmental
change to achieve the vision2025 of ‘To become the leading financial company delivering value in
art & culture’ while delivering new digital-based customer experience and value in art & culture
and finance & insurance faster than its competitors.
Kyobo Life plans to become the company that continues to grow with all stakeholders.
We will strive to realize ‘Good Growth’ through which all stakeholders including customers,
employees, investors and communities grow together, and to ultimately grow into an ‘admired
company that will thrive for hundreds of years to come’
With your support and encouragement, we will leap forward into a bright future. Thank you.
MS 인터넷 익스플로러(IE) 브라우저 서비스 지원이 2022년 06월 15일 종료됨에 따라 교보생명 홈페이지를 보다 안전하고 원활한 서비스 제공을 위해 구글 크롬 브라우저 또는 MS 엣지 브라우저를 이용해 주시길 바랍니다.