Sustainability Management

Kyobo Life has committed the ‘stakeholder-centered management’ at the introduction of article of incorporation and implemented ‘pursuit the mutual growth with all stakeholders’, the philosophy of sustainable management.

Introduction of Article of Incorporation

Kyobo Life is the company, which pursues a long-term mutual growth among the Company’s stakeholders. It hereby stipulates the principles of the Company management below.

Sustainability Management System

Philosophy of Sustainable Management

Pursue the Mutual Growth with All Stakeholdders

Commitments and Principles for the Stakeholders



A company that provides optimum insurance coverage and ongoing services

  • We will listen to the customers and manage the company from the customers’ perspective
  • We will enhance service quality from underwriting to persistency and to benefits payment

Financial Planners


A company that succeeds together with our Financial Planners

  • We will respect and trust the Financial Planners as our business partners
  • We will establish fair standards and help the Financial Planners engage in their sales and service activities with peace of mind
  • We will support the Financial Planners grow into the insurance expert



A company that grows together with our Employees

  • We will continue our corporate culture of joy, pride and trust
  • We will provide employees equal opportunities and reward them based on fair performance evaluation
  • We will help our employees to become the experts



A company that is attractive to investors

  • We will continue to produce exceptional profit through the good growth
  • We will increase the value of the company through preemptive financial and non-financial risk management

Ecosystem Players


A company that cooperates with Ecosystem Players

  • We will grow together with our partners through fair transaction
  • We will create a sustainable financial ecosystem by supporting out business players
    (affiliates and partners, etc.)

Government · Communities


A company that grows together with the government and communities

  • We will fulfill our obligation for tax payment and cooperation by complying with the national tax and relevant laws
  • We will fulfill our social and environmental responsibilities as corporate citizen

ESG Governance

Kyobo Life established stable and efficient ESG governance for sustainable growth and shared development with stakeholders
  • Sustainable ESG Committee
  • ESG Council
  • ESG dedicated organization
  • ESG working-level Council

ESG Governance R&R

Sustainable ESG Committee

  • Final decision making organization of ESG management

ESG Council

  • Organization supporting C-level decision making
  • Members : Management

ESG working-level Council

  • Organization executing ESG-related task
  • Members : Head of teams

ESG dedicated organization

  • Supporting ESG strategy establishment, public disclosure, monitoring the tasks, etc.
  • Members : ESG management part in Cooperate planning team



MS 인터넷 익스플로러(IE)
브라우저 지원 종료 안내

MS 인터넷 익스플로러(IE) 브라우저 서비스 지원이 2022년 06월 15일 종료됨에 따라 교보생명 홈페이지를 보다 안전하고 원활한 서비스 제공을 위해 구글 크롬 브라우저 또는 MS 엣지 브라우저를 이용해 주시길 바랍니다.

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